Safer Strategies - Safer Services
National and International providers of specialist training and consultancy. Promoting across all sectors, the safer handling of people, situations and behaviours and minimising the associated risks since 1999
T: 03300 235636 | M: 07872 500272 | E: info@safer-handling.co.uk
Forms for your training course
If you have attended your training course but don't have your forms with you, please download them here.
Post Course Questionnaire or go to bit.ly/SaferHandling-Feedback
How often should I refresh my training
Positive handling, use of force, holding, handling and restraint is an unregulated industry. Some companies will give you a certificate that states you only have to refresh every two or three years for example. Sounds cost effective and glamorous? Well it doesn't really mean you're covered and there is no government body for this type of training so all we can go on is what the most relevant law and legislation says on the matter and try to establish what is "best practice".
Online Resources
To purchase any of the resources please either use the credit card link or email us with the item name/s together with your billing information and purchase order if applicable. An invoice will then be issued to you.
All products are available as downloadable links (not DVDs).
Toolbox Talks £18.99
Included free in our resource file when you book your training with us.
This collection of short clips addresses the often daunting task of risk assessing reasonable force in the workplace.
What is to many a taboo subject and something that can often be ignored or brushed under the carpet, is simplified by specialist consultant and use of force trainer Doug Melia. Let him take you with him on a trip to the farm, through derelict warehouses, for a day out in the park and even to the dentist.
Pertinent discussion points such as the breaking up of fights, using prone restraint, Personal Protective Equipment implementation, searching pupils, self-defence, the restraint of elderly people & the management of smaller children are all addressed and available online or in hard copy format.

Use of Reasonable Force £18.99
Filmed on location at Cheshire Police headquarters in the North-West of England as part of Doug Melia's 2015 UK Reasonable Force Tour, this informative and entertaining session interpretsthe often ambiguous government guidance and addresses topics such as;
implementing a human rights framework
what is reasonable force?
risk assessing physical intervention
the dangers of inappropriate restraint
Instructional DVD £24.99
Included free in our resource file when you book your training with us.
Designed as a training tool and available to anyone who has completed a Safer Handling physical skills course, the series of short instructional clips is an essential addition to any organisations CPD requirements. Ideal for Ofsted or the CQC to peruse for audit purposes and as an aid to keep staff on top of their existing skills including;
escorting, moving & handling
Physical intervention & restraint
breakaway, disengagement & self-defence
dealing with kicking & a seated subject