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This 1 day SRK TTT course is priced for individuals who wish to be accredited as a Trainer in the Safe and Effective use of the Safer Handling Soft Restraint Kit® at our open course across the UK.  To see dates and locations and book you place please go to


Once successfully completed it will allow you to train others (end users of the kit) how to safely and effective use the kit. ​The course can also serve as a refresher for those who are out of date. 

The Theory session of this course is now completed online and the training date above will include all the practical elements.

Equipment covered on the day will include all aspects of The Soft Restraint Kit®: The use of the Soft Restraint Belt 'SRB' (an updated version of the Emergency Response Belt 'ERB'), the application of Soft-cuffs 'SRC' and how they work in unison with SRBs, the Safe Holding System 'SHS' and transitions from Rigid cuffs to Soft Restraints.  We will also include training on the Safe and Effective use of our new product, the SEELS (Safer Emergency Enveloping Lifting Sling). More information about the SEELS can be found on the Soft Restraint page here.

All Soft Restraint equipment are items of work equipment and their use in the United Kingdom is governed by PUWER (Provision and Use or Work Equipment Regulations). As per our requirements under Section 6 we do not supply kit without evidence of training. ​



Train the Trainer Course in the use of the Soft Restraint Kit® (1 Delegate)

  • All Soft Restraint equipment are items of work equipment and their use in the United Kingdom is governed by PUWER (Provision and Use or Work Equipment Regulations). As per our requirements under Section 6 we do not supply kit without evidence of training. ​

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