Safer Strategies - Safer Services
National and International providers of specialist training and consultancy. Promoting across all sectors, the safer handling of people, situations and behaviours and minimising the associated risks since 1999
T: 03300 235636 | M: 07872 500272 | E: info@safer-handling.co.uk
Online Training Courses

Welcome to Safer-Handling online
The training we provide is normally delivered face to face at your venue however, we do have a range of online/distance learning options for you too.
For those courses that involve a physical aspect, e.g. physical intervention, the online/distance learning is only available for those who have previously been trained by us and are refreshing their training. Refreshing this way is permitted on alternate occasions after the first in-person course. It should be noted that we strongly recommend where possible that any course involving physical skills should be held face to face.
If you wish to discuss this in more detail please get in touch.
Our online courses may be booked by emailing or calling us or via our shop.
Online, Distance learning and external accreditation options
Restraint Reduction Legal Briefing on the Use for Force with Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults (Positive Handling Theory Session) - Duration approximately 1.5 hours.
Delegates are enrolled onto our online course after which they will receive an email containing their login details and a link to the course. Delegates are able to complete the training on their own and at a time to suit them, so you no longer have to book at date or time and get staff together. Delegates can log in and out and their progress will be saved for when they return.
This online session consists of 10 lessons with each lesson comprising of a video followed by an assessment of multiple-choice questions. Delegates must achieve at least 80% on each assessment to be able to move onto the next lesson. Each assessment can be taken as many times as required until the pass rate is achieved. Once all 10 assessments have been successfully completed, your certificate will be emailed to you.
Delegates are able to leave their feedback and ask any questions at the end of the course.
Physical Intervention Skills – (Safer Holding, Handling, Essential Physical Intervention & Disengagement Skills)
This session is only for those refreshing their training with us.
This essential follow up to the first theoretical session equips participants with the necessary physical skills to intervene where it is deemed necessary to prevent harm. A copy of the Physical Intervention manual is included in this course for delegates to download. You will find 12 videos demonstrating a set of easy to recall, properly medically risk assessed, bespoke physical skills, enabling staff to consider the holding, handling and escorting of their individual specific needs relevant to their workplace and service users. Working in a group of 3 with one person acting as the subject, delegates follow the video tutorials and record themselves demonstrating each technique and then upload them in the training portal where specified, to be assessed by ourselves. A full assessment report will be provided to each delegate and once passed they will receive their certificate.
Soft Restraint Kit and SEELS - You are now able to complete the Theory session of this course online, which means we will only need to deliver the physical aspects of the course in person. Please get in touch to discuss how this can be achieved for you.
Livelink & bespoke consultancy - Doug is able to provide live tutorials, such as for our Positive Behaviour Support course, assess methods or even host discussions to groups via Zoom or other video media.
We would be happy to discuss how we can assist you.
To purchase our online courses contact us or please visit our shop